Organising Industry Leading Transport and Logistics Trade Events in Emerging Markets Since 2001
Our Journey Began When We Recognised the Importance of the Emerging Markets in Africa, Europe and Asia. For the Past 20 Years, We Have Successfully Grown Businesses in the Maritime Transport and Logistics Industry

Success numbers
Events Successfully to Date and Plans for New Events in 2026
Countries Where Our Events Have Already Successfully Taken Place
Building Connections for Positive Change
Mission Statement
To Harmonise and Integrate Diverse Organisations, Spanning Public and Private Sectors, International Entities and Academic Institutions
Vision Statement
We Believe That Progress Happens by Bringing People Together, From All Walks of Life, Who Have the Drive and the Influence to Make Positive Change
Shared Values

Encourage a Shared Collaboration and Develop in Unity

Commitment to Efficiency. Continuous Improvement and Customer Service

Honesty and Mutual Respect Towards Our Customers